Mick Antoniw, Member of Senedd for Pontypridd and Member of Parliament Alex Davies-Jones have declared the decision to recommend that a full-time, consultant-led A&E is retained at the Royal Glamorgan hospital as ‘fantastic news for Taff Ely and beyond’.


The recommendation by the South Wales Programme Project Group will be put to the full Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board meeting on 29 June 2020.


Congratulating all those involved in the campaign, Mick Antoniw said:


“Together we made the case for retaining our local A&E and the Health Board has listened.  This decision reflects well on all concerned and this is a great day for everyone in Taff Ely and beyond.


So often the NHS has been there for us.  Today, we can all say that we were all there for our NHS.”


I am so pleased at this decision and for everyone who worked so hard, including the Save the Royal Glamorgan A&E campaign group, the trades unions and all my local Welsh Labour colleagues.  The sense of shared community and determination during this campaign has been truly inspirational.”


Adding her congratulations, Alex Davies-Jones said:


This is the result that the everyone wanted to see and have worked so hard for.  It is a tribute to the energy and determination of the community campaign that we have all been a part of.     


There had been an increasing feeling of optimism within the campaign and I congratulate Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board on upping its game on recruitment, which removed the greatest barrier to retaining our A&E.   


“Mick and I said at the outset that we would stand with our constituents and that nothing less than a full time, consultant-led A&E at the Royal Glamorgan would do.  Together, as a community we have achieved that aim and everyone involved can take credit for this fantastic result.”