Frequently Asked Questions briefing from Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB

It is incredibly sad to learn that eight patients have died as a result of the covid19 outbreak at

Royal Glamorgan Hospital, with a further six in intensive care.  Our thoughts right now are with their families and loves ones.
Together with Alex Davies-Jones MP and Rhondda Cynon Taf Council Leader Andrew Morgan I met with

Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board in the last hour to be briefed. This is clearly an incredibly serious event and this is how it is being treated by the Health Board.  At the top of this page you’ll find a set of FAQs provided by the Health Board.
It is too early to give details on how the infections occurred, but it is likely that approximately three-quarters were hospital acquired. CTMUHB is working with RCT Council to ensure all people scheduled to be transferred to care homes are double tested first.
Track and trace is currently identifying contacts of the 82 people who have tested positive. Hospital staff are also being tested.
ℹ️ The current position re RG hospital admissions is:
– Until further notice all 999 calls will be taken to Prince Charles or Princess of Wales hospitals.
– A&E ‘walk-ins’ are still being treated at the Royal Glam.
– There will be no admissions to RG hospital beds.
– All elective surgery at RG is postponed.
– Urgent cancer treatment at RG will proceed as scheduled.
ℹ️ Today at the Senedd Cymru I asked the Health Minister for a full update and you can find that video on my facebook page.